(October 28, 2024) The complete saying is “Old Soldiers Never Die, They Fade Away”. It was written by a World War I soldier named Frank Richards. Frank believed that once a soldier ages, no one remembers what the soldier sacrificed for their country. Since November 11th is Veterans Day, I would like to write about how fortunate the Veterans in Rhode Island are to have a Veterans home that provides a home where our veterans are cared for physically and given many activities that promote quality of life. Abraham Lincoln passed a law after the Civil War that veterans from that war and future wars would have a place to live out their final days in comfort and respect.
The Rhode Island Veterans Home was established in 1891. The original name of the home was the Old Soldiers Home. It was on a 110-acre complex on the East Side of Metacom Avenue, near Mount Hope Bay. In 1995, the original structure was replaced with a more modern building to better serve Veterans' needs. The new facility was expanded several times over the following decades, with additions in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Despite these expansions, the building eventually became outdated. It reached the end of its useable life In November 2017, when a new state-of-the-art facility was opened to provide a home and community-like atmosphere.
I am amazed by the many activities that are provided for the Vets. Just to name a few: a yearly car show, a petting zoo, and animals who visit weekly regularly. There are not just dogs but rabbits and baby chicks. There are Art and photography classes and day trips to different places. Now, I am not going to be so foolish as to say nothing ever goes wrong at the home but it does not have the types of problems that other Veterans homes have across the country. Each month there is a Family Council where families meet with the Administration and myself, the State Ombudsman. The council serves many purposes. It hears grievances and discusses ongoing suggestions that promote a more positive experience for Vets and families.
There are staffing issues like any other home. The administration works diligently to fill the closing of their vacancies. A “shout out” to the Director of Veterans Affairs Kasim J. Yarn. Kasim attends all family councils and is available to any family member or Vet who needs assistance. The Administrator, Paul Murgo, responds immediately to any problem my office sends him. You should call to arrange a tour if you have never been to the Veterans Home. It would be great to thank each veteran you may meet along the way for their sacrifices so that we have the freedoms we cherish today.
Just one more bit of history: On May 14th, 1891, Nicholas Lyman from Cranston, 69, was the first Veteran admitted to the Old Soldiers Home.
Kathleen Heren
Rhode Island State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Office of the RI State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
As the Rhode Island State Long Term Care Ombudsman, Ms. Heren shares her expertise by providing a monthly guest blog to Connelly Law Offices, Ltd in the Ombudsman's Report. In these blogs, she delves into various issues and topics that she encounters in her role. The insights and opinions expressed in these blogs are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Attorney RJ Connelly III or any of the employees at Connelly Law Offices, Ltd. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions.