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The Impact of Pets on Older Adults

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Attorney RJ Connelly III
Attorney RJ Connelly III

"I had a heartfelt conversation with a client who had recently experienced the loss of her beloved pet. The pain and sorrow in her eyes were palpable. As someone whose family has always cherished pets, I could deeply empathize with her," said professional fiduciary and certified elder law Attorney RJ Connelly III. "The unconditional love that pets provide extends far beyond mere companionship. Research has demonstrated that the impact of pets on older adults can significantly improve their psychological and physical well-being. Additionally, for children, pets can play a crucial role in enhancing their emotional and social skills. However, the remarkable impact of pets on seniors is particularly noteworthy. This conversation reminded me of a blog post we had previously published on this topic, which I believe is worth revisiting and discussing once again."

"I have always treasured the opportunity to connect with individuals personally and listen to their compelling life narratives," stated Attorney Connelly. "When I initially crossed paths with Emma, she appeared quite introverted and didn't divulge much about her experiences. She sought assistance in managing her finances and establishing an estate plan. However, everything took a remarkable turn when she welcomed a very special dog named Pewter into her life. Despite having a disability, Pewter played a pivotal role in helping Emma emerge from her shell and brought about a profound transformation in her. It is a story worth sharing."

Emma's Story

Emma was a fascinating person. She was always seen in colorful outfits, pushing a stroller with her beloved dog, Pewter, dressed in baby clothes. She firmly believed that Pewter was why she was still alive and, therefore, deserved to be pampered.

A photo of students outside a high school
Emma struggled to get through school

"Pewter saved my life," she said. "Not in a dramatic way, like pulling me out of danger, but in a way that I believe many others can relate to. Pewter is my hero; because of him, I can share my story with others. It's amazing how much Pewter and I had in common when we first met. I fell in love with him instantly."

Attorney Connelly said Emma wasn't always as outgoing or open with people. "Since high school, I wasn't someone people would notice," she admitted. "I was short, shy, and struggled with my weight, so much so that I hated my yearbook photos," she laughed nervously. "My parents were separated, my dad struggled with alcoholism, and my mom had her challenges with mental illness."

Emma spent most of her time at home during high school, immersing herself in books and music. "I rarely went out, preferring to lose myself in a world of fiction," she shared. "My favorites were 'Death of a Salesman' by Arthur Miller, where Willy lived in a world of his own, proud and in denial, similar to my father and, I suppose, to me. And 'The Other,' where one of the kids could project himself into animals and others, something I often wished I could do," she explained. "It was always easier to be someone else rather than being me."

Life After High School

After graduating high school in 1975, Emma entered the work world. "I couldn't go to college, so I took a job at a mill in Central Falls," she said. "Being on a sewing machine by myself suited my purposes. I didn't need to talk much; it was just me and the machine. However, the seclusion and my inability to make friends began to catch up to me, especially when those I went to school with started getting married and having children. I wasn't that lucky, and no one ever looked at me twice."

Photo of women working in a mill
Emma went to work after high school

Emma soon began her downhill spiral into mental illness, which she flirted with in high school. "I became isolated and depressed, something I thought all of us ugly girls felt, but for me, it was the beginning of a lifelong sickness. Depression is a battle I never stop fighting. There were times in my life when I wanted to dive into the street, be hit by a big truck, and it would be over. I mean, who would miss me? But then I would think about my mom and return to my reality, as bad as it was."

During her three decades of working in mills in the Providence and Pawtucket area, she did find some happiness. "I met a boyfriend there, a maintenance man named Jerry. We never married but lived together for a long time until he got sick. Through those years, my depression would come and go, but as I got older, it seemed to last longer and become deeper."

As her depression got worse, she eventually had to leave her job. "There were weeks that I could not even get out of bed; I'll never know how my boyfriend put up with me. This went on for years. Then Jerry had a stroke, ended up in a nursing home, and then I was alone again. Jerry died less than six months later. My mom's death followed this. I ended up on disability and became a prisoner in my home."

She recalls receiving her disability check one day and getting ready to go to the store when suddenly and without warning, her world just seemed to collapse around her.

Woman looking at the river
Overwhelming sadness engulfed her

"I was on my way to the store and walked across the bridge over the Blackstone River in downtown Pawtucket like I did so many times. I stopped, looked down, and I figured I had enough. I kept thinking about Jerry and my mom, realizing that nothing had changed for me in decades, and I was alone again for the rest of my life this time. There was no one there for me."

Emma said what she was thinking alarmed her. "Dying no longer seemed like a scary thing to me. The only scary thing was if I would just be hurt in my jump and needed to live the rest of my days in a nursing home bed hooked up to tubes and wires, no longer able to take any actions to end my life. Lying there deep in depression, not able to speak, wishing I had done a better job of ending it, stuck in a body that could not move, unable to escape."

At that point, she dropped to the ground crying and lost touch with all that was happening around her. "I remember smelling the river, feeling the warm sidewalk, and sobbing uncontrollably. I'm not sure what happened next, but I woke up in a Providence hospital in the psych ward. They told me the police had taken me there."

Thankfully, the hospitalization turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to her, with one of her therapies leading to a life-altering decision for her.

The Perfectly Imperfect Dog

During her time there, Emma experienced a unique therapy session that involved the presence of a three-legged dog. Despite being around dogs before, Emma instantly connected with this particular canine. The dog, albeit disabled and not conventionally attractive, exuded pure joy with its constantly wagging tail. Emma was drawn to the dog's undeniable happiness, which profoundly shifted her perspective.

Woman at an animal shelter
Emma visited the shelter animals

Upon completing her treatment, Emma sought out the organization responsible for bringing in the dog. Driven by her love for the three-legged dog and a desire to connect with other similarly unique animals, Emma discovered Pewter, a dog with a back injury that left him dragging his hind legs. Despite concerns from friends about her ability to care for a physically challenged dog due to her struggles with major depression, Emma's determination was unwavering.

The organization that introduced her to Pewter saw potential in her. Emma defied her critics' expectations and proved she could provide the love and care that Pewter needed. Ultimately, their bond transformed both their lives for the better.

Made for Each Other

"I used to struggle with remembering to take my antidepressants, but ever since I started giving Pewter his medication, I've made it a point to take mine at the same time. Taking him out for walks has been a great conversation starter, and it's helped me become more social and engage with people. Pewter has truly given me a newfound confidence that I never knew I had," said Emma.

A woman with a dog
Made for each other

"Having Pewter has motivated me to prioritize my mental well-being because he relies on me. But honestly, I need him just as much as he needs me. We're a team," she chuckled. "Pewter has this incredibly calming presence. When you're battling depression, it's easy to feel alone and isolated, but Pewter has completely transformed my thinking. He motivates me to get out of bed, care for him, and ensure he's healthy. Having another life depending on me so much is incredibly fulfilling."

The bond between Pewter and Emma was truly profound. Emma often reflected on how Pewter had impacted her through the years.

"Pewter changed my life in so many ways. I know that I am completely loved, and when Pewter and I look at each other, I say, 'we are two ugly ducklings, but we are beautiful to each other.' We will be together for the rest of our lives." Tragically, Emma passed away a few months after our discussion due to a heart attack. Despite the loss, Pewter found a new home with a caring neighbor who cherished him just as much as Emma did. This is the power of pets.

A Final Thought

Attorney Connelly noted that Emma's story is unique, yet it resonates with the experiences of many seniors he has worked with. He emphasized the significant benefits pets bring to seniors' lives, including emotional and physical health improvements. He encouraged people to consider adopting a pet, as they might find their lifelong companion, just as Emma did.

Connelly Law Offices, Ltd.

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